
Letting the Data Pave the Way

After we collect data about your compressed air system, we analyze this data and provide you with a specific assessment of your facility or facilities.

During this process, we will:

  • Develop key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Build an accurate model of your system’s compressed air usage and needs
  • Identify ways to improve your compressed air system

We can help you to reduce your system operating pressure, improve compressor reliability, or reduce the system downtime. Not only will we show you what these methods would look like, but we will also develop implementation plans and discuss how to go about making these system changes.

As part of these improvement measures, we’ll estimate the savings that each action can provide, as well as estimate the total weekly, monthly, and annual savings you can obtain.

Savings Calculations Units Weekday
1st Shift
2nd Shift
3rd Shift
Saturday Sunday
Baseline Total EnergykWh200,000200,00080,00048,00048,000
Baseline Unloaded EnergykWh1,0001,0001,0001,0001,000
Baseline Online EnergykWh199,000199,00079,00047,00047,000
Baseline Blowoff EnergykWh9,9509,9503,9502,3502,350
Baseline Pressurepsi105.0105.0105.0105.0105.0
Proposed Operating Pressurepsi98.
Pressure Reduction SavingskWh6,6336,6339,4055,5956,714
Demand Reduction SavingskWh7,9607,96011,2866,7146,714
Unloaded Energy ReductionkWh500500500500500
Blowoff ReductionkWh4,9754,7951,9751,1751,175
Total Weekly Energy Savings for ShiftkWh20,06820,06823,16513,98513,985
Site Survey Data Collection Units Weekday
1st Shift
2nd Shift
3rd Shift
Saturday Sunday
Hours per WeekHours4040402424
Average PowerkW5,0005,0002,0002,0002,000
Pressure Reduction
Average Pressurepsi105.0105.0105.0105.0105.0
Proposed Operating Pressurepsi98.
Blowoff Reductionpsi98.
% of Air Released%
% Reduction in Blowoff%
Unloaded Operation
Power When Running UnloadedkW250250250250250
Hours per Week Running UnloadedHours44444
% Unloaded Reduction%

Savings Summary


Weekly Savings
91,271 kW


Monthly Savings
91,271 kW


Annual Savings
91,271 kW

Our customers save an average of 10-13% on their total energy spend. Imagine what we can do for your bottom line...

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